1. News -

    Our newsletter is available to download now. Full of news and views about health and social care in Newham and beyond.
  2. Report -

    In October 2016, Newham CCG commissioned our team to learn about the patient experience and feedback on the Latent Tuberculosis Infection screening service (LTBI) in Newham.
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    You may have heard of the STP. Newham CCG is working with neighbouring boroughs and has said that "STPs sets out how local health service will transform and become sustainable in the next five years".
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    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has recently inspected Newham University Hospital.
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    We are currently considering our priorities for the next 12 months. We would find it very helpful to hear from you on your experiences of health and social care services.
  6. News -

    Our newsletter is available to download now. Full of news and views about health and social care in Newham and beyond.
  7. Report -

    Find out more about the ways we're helping to improve people's experiences of health and social care services in our annual report for 2016-17
  8. Report -

    In June 2017 our team delivered an Enter & View project to review the food and meal time support that was offered to patients at the Newham University Hospital.
  9. News -

    Our newsletter is available to download now. Full of news and views about health and social care in Newham and beyond.
  10. News -

    We currently have 2 vacancies.
  11. Report -

    Our team visited this service as part of joint Quality Assurance Visits with Newham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
  12. News -

    Our newsletter is available to download now. Full of news and views about health and social care in Newham and beyond.