1. Report -

    Our team visited the foot health clinic at University of East London, Clinical Education Building, 1 Ferns Road to find out about patients’ referral pathway experiences as part of our joint Quality Assurance Project with NCCG.
  2. Report -

    Our team visited this service as part of joint Quality Assurance Visits with Newham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
  3. Report -

    In October 2016, Newham CCG commissioned our team to learn about the patient experience and feedback on the Latent Tuberculosis Infection screening service (LTBI) in Newham.
  4. Report -

    We ran a ‘Have your Say’ tackling tuberculosis (TB) Workshop in association with Barts Health NHS Trust and TB Alert.
  5. Report -

    On Monday 18th August 2014 Healthwatch Newham, Redbridge and Waltham Forest held a joint event to inform people and gather feedback on the Transforming Services, Changing Lives (TSCL) at Whipps Cross Hospital Lecture Theatre.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Although death is a natural part of life, the death of someone close to you can be a difficult, confusing and a life-changing experience.
  7. News -

    Meeting of the Patients' Forum for the London Ambulance Service.
  8. News -

    NHS England and local clinical commissioning groups are leading a review of specialist cancer and cardiovascular services in north and east London and west Essex.
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    A public consultation is running on a proposal to move Moorfields Eye Hospital’s services to a new centre.
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    The National Health Service is turning 70 on 5 July 2018.
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    The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has recently inspected Newham University Hospital.
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    In 2014, NHS England invited Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG’s) to come forward with expressions of interest to take a greater role in the commissioning of primary care services, initially GP Practices.
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    We bring you an update from Bart’s Trust who have created dedicated family contact centres.
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    In partnership with Healthwatch Newham, Newham Hospital are running a project looking at improving the discharge process.
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    Our newsletter is available to download now. Full of news and views about health and social care in Newham and beyond.
  16. News -

    Do you know it's only taking 15 minutes to donate blood? A blood donation means a few minutes to you, but a lifetime for somebody else!
  17. News -

    Our newsletter is available to download now. Full of news and views about health and social care in Newham and beyond.
  18. Advice and Information -

    October is a month to quit smoking. Read information on how you can join and support the campaign.
  19. News -

    Our newsletter is available to download now. Full of news and views about health and social care in Newham and beyond.
  20. Report -

    Check out our report on patient experiences of the discharge process at Newham Hospital, and the recommendations on how the service can be improved.
  21. Report -

    Get insights on Newham residents' experiences on using the London Ambulance Service.